.jobs is a brand new top level domain for the internet, like .com or .edu, but different. .jobs works by placing your company name directly before the dot. For example, if your company is called Employ Media, just put "EmployMedia" before the dot to obtain www.EmployMedia .jobs. |
Putting your company name together with .jobs provides a simple, fast and consistent method for job seekers to learn about employment opportunities at your company . job postings ... benefits ... culture ... the things that make your workplace unique. |
Because .jobs provides you with the ability to effectively direct job seekers to the exact online destination of your employment opportunities contained within your own company website. Anyone who has ever been directed to a company home page to only fumble around trying to find the company jobs page will appreciate being told a new message of simply: Apply at "yourcompanyname".jobs. Moreover, job seekers will appreciate a standardized format of www."yourcompanyname".jobs in place of unfriendly URL's that literally come to them in all shapes and sizes without any degree of consistency. |
.jobs was approved by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (www.ICANN.org). ICANN is a non-profit public benefit corporation with oversight provided by the US Department of Commerce. |
SHRM (www.SHRM.org) is the formal policy administrator to .jobs representing the best interests of the HR community. |
.jobs has been designated specifically for hiring managers in every business. It's for those tasked with communicating employment opportunities at their organization along with those managing other human resource elements in their business. The format is simply: www.companyname .jobs. |
Registrations in .jobs can only be for your "company name", which means your legal or commonly known business name, or at least must include that name. For example, if you are American Family Life Assurance Company, you may register AmericanFamilyLife.jobs, AmericanFamilyLifeAssurance.jobs, AmericanFamilyLifeAssuranceCompany.jobs, AFLAC.jobs, AFLAC-California.jobs, AFLAC-Agents.jobs, etc. |
This is not a requirement. For example, Alcoa, Inc. may register alcoa.jobs. |
Only in the case where your trademark is also the name of your employer organization (i.e. your company name). |
You may do so but it is completely dependent upon your own needs. For example, you can configure the settings of your new companyname .jobs to simply direct people to your existing jobs or careers page. |
Your companyname .jobs is able to function on the Internet in conjunction with your existing jobs page URL (whether .com, .net, .org, .edu, etc). Choosing to acquire your companyname .jobs does not mean you have to replace your current URL. Both can function for an indefinite period of time completely at your own discretion. |
.jobs is to be used to promote the on-line destination of your company's employment opportunities. For example, you can use your companyname .jobs in your print ads, employee referral programs, for e-mail, broadcast media, with job boards, etc. Please see our .jobs Use Policies. |
You may use your companyname .jobs to post any HR related content of your company. |
At this time, you cannot use your companyname .jobs to post jobs of third party employers. Ongoing use of your companyname .jobs is subject to the .jobs Use Policies. |
Our policy is to validate that your application is for your legal or commonly known company name. We require documentation of your company name for validation prior to activating your companyname .jobs application. |
After applying for your companyname .jobs through a participating .jobs registrar, your application will be reserved by .jobs into "pending" status. Documentation supporting your legal or commonly known company name is to then be sent directly to .jobs via fax, regular mail, overnight carrier, or digitally. Upon positive validation, we will notify your registrar that your companyname .jobs has been "created", thereby allowing it to become visible on the Internet. |
Requiring validation prior to activation is a mechanism for protecting the integrity of your company name and your digital identity to users. |
Our policies are designed to deter the act of cybersquatting on a given company name. A primary objective of our validation process is to deter this before it can happen -- and that's one of the reasons why we take steps to validate your companyname .jobs application before it goes live. While cybersquatting will be restricted, remember that the internet is worldwide. A company in another country legitimately having your name can request and register a .jobs domain in which your company may also be interested...so don't delay your application! |
This depends upon your organization. If you have an IT department, they can assist (likely in a manner of a few minutes) with the configuration of your companyname .jobs purchase so that it functions for you as intended. |
Naturally, we encourage you to use your companyname .jobs , but you are under no obligation at initial purchase or upon renewal to use it. |
Certified .jobs registrar may offer from one year to multi year packages with "first rights" renewal options upon expiration. Your companyname .jobs will last for the length of time you choose at time of purchase. |
.jobs is a restricted name space. The ability to secure a company name in .jobs is restricted to those that meet the following criteria:
1. |
Tasked with hiring or other HR duties on behalf of their own employer organization; |
2. |
Authorized to purchase their "yourcompanyname".jobs on behalf of their employer organization; |
3. |
Who agree to abide by the .jobs Use Policies; and |
4. |
Who agree to abide by the SHRM Code of Professional Ethics |
The ability to secure a generic word in .jobs is highly dependent upon your legal or commonly known company name - if you are not known by that word, you can not register it. Additionally, various generic terms and identifiers, such as geographic names (major cities, countries, etc.), industry and occupational classifications, profane words and other terms of common interest to the HR Community are subject to the .jobs Reserve List Policy. |
Yes. Technical interoperability of .jobs resides on the same world class infrastructure and backbone as the more familiar .com, which is operated by VeriSign. VeriSign is also the technology provider for .jobs. |