What is a Real Times Stats conversion?
When a visitor clicks on an advertisement, certain information is sent to the browser. If a purchase is made as a result, it is called a conversion. Real Time Traffic Facts is able to track the visitor's path through the site, carrying the ad information with it, so that the conversion can be associated with the advertisement. This is called conversion tracking.
What is an ad Ad ID?
An Ad ID is a means of distinguishing one advertisement from another. The Ad ID is appended to the URL with the "adid" query string variable. It looks like this: http://www.yourdomain.com/advertisement.html?adid=myad01. The Ad ID is stored on our server until the session is complete.
What happens when a visitor enters through a link and then makes a purchase?
Nothing. Only entries with an Ad ID are conversions. Conversion tracking is only for tracking ad conversion.
What happens if a visitor clicks on an ad for Product A, but purchases Product B?
The conversion counts for the ad for product A because it was the ad that successfully made the sale. The customer may want to modify the site based on this information.
What happens when a client lingers on the site after a conversion?
The conversion is logged, and the path shows any additional pages.
What about reports?
There are two reports in the "Page Reports" area that allow you to view either a summary of Ad IDs vs conversions, or a detailed listing of Ad ID hits during a specified time range.
How does my customer know what to do on his side?
The Traffic Facts application features an automatic script generator to create the javascript required for any page. This is found under the Settings tab.
For more information on how to set scripts up on your page, see What are the different types of page scripts in Real Time Traffic Facts mode?